
Fast, Powerful, and Unmatched Market Analysis in Minutes

Send your data from TrueTracts to Total seamlessly! TrueTracts enables you to complete next-level market analysis, providing you with credible and reliable insights to support your trends and time adjustments while ensuring you are satisfying the new Fannie Mae / Freddie Mac guidelines.

Market Analysis

  • Delivers subject-specific market insights using data-driven analysis of competing properties in the submarket and broader Market Area.
  • Features easy-to-read charts for Sale Price trends, Supply, DOM, and Sale/List Price ratios, and more.
  • Automatically completes the 1004MC form based on your decisions.

Dynamic Heat Map:

  • Resolves the common problem of insufficient competing properties by expanding to nearby competing submarkets.
  • After adjusting for differences in features, it highlights locational value differences, aiding Comp selection.
  • Can be used to prevent and/or defend against potential ROVs by providing the location analysis upfront.

Non-Linear Trend Lines and Time Adjustments

  • Uses GAM modeling to calculate and display non-linear time adjustments based on contract dates, aligning with new GSE standards.
  • Displays trends using comparable data adjusted for feature differences rather than raw prices, resulting in a tighter and more credible trend line.
  • Provides non-linear time adjustments to apply to your Comps.

Export to Total fills out 1004MC and includes PDF for your report that includes:

  • Market conditions charts w/ dynamic commentary
  • Explanation of the tool and process utilized
  • Heatmap

*** This TOTAL store app enables an integration w/ TrueTracts to efficiently import your analysis from TrueTracts to your Total report. The 25 report free trial is for the integration w/ TOTAL. After the trial expires, the integration costs $50/yr. The Market Analysis software, TrueTracts, is free until at least June and can be found at the link below.